How did I get here?


a dark forest. with very little light shinning through, with a broken path through the forest.
Created by Rena Vail: Its so dark, and scary, I don’t know if I should stay or move.

As Salam walakum, Good morning, Evening, Afternoon,
I hope this reaches you in strong Health and good emtional health.

In the moments of morning, evening, or afternoon, I hope this message finds you in good health and well-being. Today, I want to share a part of my journey and the purpose behind Elderberry Holistic Health.

The question “Who am I?” is profound. Why did I embark on this holistic health venture, and what are my intentions?

Life unfolds differently for each of us. Some face ease that is secretly challenging, while others grapple with the darkness of profound trials. My journey began in the shadows, marked by trauma from early childhood. Abuse, both during my mother’s pregnancy and at the age of 3, set the stage for a tumultuous life filled with hardships like child abuse, rape, and kidnapping. Homelessness, substance abuse, and emotional breakdowns became my reality.

Dark forest, but green, with a path not broken, the light is shining more.
Created by Rena Vail

In 2003, at the age of approximately 24, I reached a breaking point. As a single mother working in an unhealthy environment, I faced physical and emotional exhaustion. The conventional medical route offered no solace, drowning me in high doses of medications that only worsened my condition. The turning point came when I witnessed the adverse effects on another person in the ER that was taking the same medication as me, prompting me to listen to my instincts and cease the medication.

a forest path , with flowers, and a fixed path way
Created by Rena Vail

Choosing to be present for my daughter and my future, I delved into holistic healing. Going to school for holistic health American College of Healthcare. Started clean eating and exercise, herbal remedies to embracing natural therapies, my journey began to yield positive changes. Holistic health became my path to recovery, allowing me to overcome hypothyroidism, eczema, anemia, addiction and more.

Field of lavender with a barn in the back ground with a fence, in water color
Created by Rena Vail

The beauty of holistic health lies in its personalized approach. Each person’s journey is unique, and through continuous learning and practice, I strive to share this path with those seeking healing. My own transformation includes overcoming depression, anxiety, and PTSD symptoms.

I share my story candidly because openness is crucial in the healing process. We cannot change the past, but we can choose to heal and be present. My hope is that through my experiences, you find inspiration to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and healing.

Why am I blogging? To share my passion for holistic health, offering guidance on:
* Nutrition
* Herbs
*Hijamah and cupping
* Naturoptahic
* Chemical Dependancy and or Support
* Weightloss support
* Aromatherapy and more. My mission is to build a community where we support each other on this never-ending journey. I aim to make holistic healing consultations and coaching accessible to all, believing that everyone deserves natural and holistic well-being.

If you’ve read this far, I appreciate your time and kindness. My story may resonate with someone out there, reminding them that they are not alone, and there is a way out. If I’m not the one to guide you, seek help, support, and never give up on yourself. You are worth saving.

I would love to know how you feel about this post today..

About Me
a woman in full veil walking in lavender
by VailTribe

My name is Rena Vail and I am the author and creator of this blog. My passion and hope is to share with the wold the beauty of holistic health and natural healing. To help others as it has helped me in my life.

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